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Who We Are

The name "Dry Bones Valley" comes from the conversation God has with the prophet Ezekiel in the book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament.  God ask Ezekiel as he looked at a Valley of Dry Bones, "Can these Bones live again?'  And Ezekiel watches God restore muscle, tendons, and flesh to those bones.  He watches God breathe into them life.  It all seems to happen as Ezekiel preaches and instructs the bones.  They LIVE!  So through solid biblical teaching and discipleship, proven addiction programing, solid mental health therapy, and a unique career and work development program; God is going to make dry bones live again. The career/work program will actually pay these men a competitive wage while they are in the program so they can pay child support, help their family, pay court cost and save money for when they complete the program.

About: About Us
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